Combining the characteristics of mechanical drawing discipline,carrying out innovative activities of classroom experimental teaching

  Let students experiment with their hands to visualize the abstract knowledge

  In the teaching process, teachers should pick out some abstract and difficult teaching contents, which are more difficult for students to understand. In order to improve students’ learning efficiency, teachers should use experimental teaching to prove the conclusion through experiments, so as to improve students’ understanding and absorption efficiency of knowledge.

For example, when learning the characteristics of linear projection, this content is a very important learning content in the subject of mechanical drawing, and is also the basis for further learning, students must be flexible to master this knowledge. Although this is a basic content, but the learning is difficult, more abstract, students in the learning process is also very difficult. When teaching this part, the teacher can conduct a teaching experiment by assigning students in the class to a group of two students, and then having each group prepare a piece of white paper and a pencil.

During the experiment, the teacher asks one student to set up the pencil and then has the other student draw a diagram on the white paper. The student with the pencil places this pencil randomly, but not keeping it perpendicular, and then the other student draws the projection of each point in the pencil based on the knowledge already acquired and following the characteristics of projection knowledge, and finally comes to a conclusion – the projection of all points can form a straight line.

In other words, the projection of a straight line is a straight line. After reaching such a conclusion, when drawing later, it is sufficient to draw the two endpoints of a straight line and then use the two points to connect them to form a straight line.

The teacher then asks the students to make projections of the pencil parallel to the white paper, tilted to the white paper, and perpendicular to the white paper at several angles, and then has the students measure the lengths of these projections and then compare the lengths of the projections with the actual lengths of the pencil and come to a conclusion that the length of the projection parallel to the projection plane is equal to the actual length, the projection perpendicular to the projection plane is just a point, and the length of the projection tilted to the projection plane is less than the the actual length. After the students reach the conclusion through the experiment, the teacher summarizes in time to make the students understand the characteristics of real, contracted and cumulative projection efficiently, so as to improve the teaching efficiency.

  Introducing multimedia technology into classroom teaching

  In the mechanical drawing classroom, the traditional teaching mode is to use blackboard chalk for board teaching, or wall charts to show some teaching models for students. Such a teaching mode is too old-fashioned and the teaching resources are very limited.

In the process of teaching, the teacher lectures with dry mouth, but the students’ listening efficiency is not high, and it is difficult to raise students’ interest in such a boring teaching mode. This shows that the traditional teaching mode has not adapted to the needs of modern teaching, therefore, teachers must reform the teaching, the introduction of multimedia technology into the teaching classroom, through the vivid image of pictures, text or video animation to stimulate students’ interest in learning, so that students actively participate in the classroom learning.

For example, when learning how to express the machine, this knowledge requires students to give full play to their imagination, which is difficult for many students with poor spatial thinking.

Therefore, teachers can use multimedia to teach, through multimedia to show students some animation simulation, which can make abstract knowledge become intuitive and simple, which is conducive to students to understand and absorb the knowledge faster.

  Students discuss freely and stimulate creative thinking

  In the mechanical drawing classroom, due to the difficulty of the content, students struggle to learn, which makes the classroom atmosphere is relatively low, in order to active teaching classroom atmosphere teachers should organize classroom discussion, which can not only mobilize students’ enthusiasm for learning, but also can effectively stimulate the enthusiasm of students to draw and students’ creativity.

For the drafting class for many questions the answer is uncertain, students can choose the most reasonable method. For example, in the lesson “Application of Expressions”, there are many different ways to express the machine parts, so which one is the most reasonable one? This is something that needs to be discussed and studied.

For example, when studying the internal structure of a cylinder, to express it, it can be cut by top view or left view, and which method is the most accurate, students should discuss it.

  Tiered teaching so that students can taste the joy of success

  For students, because each student has a different knowledge base, there is a great difference in their ability to accept the difficulty of knowledge. In the teaching process, teachers should teach students at different levels according to their characteristics, so that students at all levels can learn something.

By teaching at different levels, not only can students’ strengths be developed, but also each student can complete his or her learning tasks efficiently, so that students can feel a sense of accomplishment, thus enhancing their self-confidence in learning and stimulating their interest in learning.

For example, when students are asked to draw three views based on models, teachers should stratify students’ spatial thinking and knowledge base ability, and then assign different learning tasks for students according to each level. For students with strong ability teachers can ask students to draw the three views of the superimposed figure, for ordinary students can ask students to draw some simple three-dimensional figures.

  In a word, in order to improve the quality of teaching, teachers should use diversified teaching modes in the teaching process of mechanical drawing, pay attention to experimental teaching, so as to stimulate students’ learning interest, explore students’ inner potential, and cultivate a new generation of high-quality talents.